Benefits Of Extracurricular Activities
September 9, 2024
What do you do when you're stressed or feeling down? How do you unwind and take a break for yourself? What steps do you take to make new friends? Have you ever considered these questions? You’ve probably heard of the term “extracurricular activities.” But what exactly are they, and why are they so important in our lives?
Extracurricular activities are pursuits outside of our regular academic curriculum. These activities can range from reading a novel, drawing, listening to music, participating in sports, dancing, conducting experiments, or being a member of a cultural or research club. In today’s fast-paced world, it seems like there’s hardly any time to relax or engage in anything beyond studying. It’s a sad reality that some even view extracurricular activities as a waste of time. But is that really the case? I don’t think so. If it were, why do people always look forward to free time? Why do they seek out counselors? The reason is that many people, overwhelmed by stress and loneliness, lack the means to express their feelings and release inner pressures, leading to harmful consequences, including self-harm or even suicidal thoughts.
Without outlets like extracurricular activities, these unexpressed emotions can fester, potentially leading someone down a dark path. That’s why it’s crucial not only to focus on academics but also to explore the world through activities that interest you.
After all, academic success alone isn’t the sole key to a fulfilling life. Even if you’re unaware, there are numerous benefits to engaging in extracurricular activities. These benefits aren’t found in textbooks—they’re gained through experience. They can be categorized into physical, mental, social, emotional, and motivational benefits.
Participating in activities like dancing, sports, singing, or drama can boost your fitness and energy levels. These activities strengthen your immune system, reduce stress, and help prevent obesity, heart disease, and other health issues. Additionally, they enhance memory and concentration, which are essential for achieving your goals.

Many of us spend too much time on our phones before bed, disrupting our sleep cycles and contributing to mental health issues. Lack of sleep can lead to various problems, including poor mental health. As discussed by Pasindu Dissanayake in a previous article, sleep is crucial. Engaging in activities like debate club, quiz club, or chess club can improve your critical thinking, self-confidence, and problem-solving skills. These activities help stabilize your mood and motivation for daily tasks.

In today’s busy world, social communication is becoming increasingly rare. People often keep their feelings to themselves, which can lead to isolation. This is especially true among university students. From children to the elderly, many spend hours in front of screens, leading to a lack of social interaction. Engaging in volunteer work, club meetings, and social gatherings can improve leadership, communication, and language skills. For example, joining the ISSS helped me improve my writing, build self-confidence, and develop leadership skills. So don’t hesitate to take a new step in your life.

When you’re stressed, depressed, or feeling down, engaging in activities you enjoy can help you express and release those emotions.
Whether it’s sharing your thoughts with a close friend, drawing, writing a story or poem, taking a walk, riding a bicycle, listening to music, or even cooking, these activities can help stabilize your mental health.
Extracurricular activities can help you achieve your life goals by enhancing your focus and quality of life. From my experience, participating in a dance competition, sports tournament, or research project gave me more energy for daily activities and helped me perform better academically. These activities improve your performance skills and teach you resilience. When facing failures in an experiment or research project, don’t give up—learn from your mistakes, try again, and keep going until you succeed. Eventually, you’ll become unstoppable. Remember, failures are the stepping stones to success.

In conclusion, while hard work is important, working smart is even better. To maintain a peaceful and calm mind, stay physically energetic and healthy, and live an active life beyond studying, you should participate in extracurricular activities. By doing so, you can reap all the benefits mentioned above—and many more—if you use your time wisely