Exercise for body and mind
November 11, 2023
This blog shows us the benefits of exercise on body and mind as well as how to incorporate it into our busy life.
Engaging in intentional physical activity with an increase in the heart rate beyond resting levels is exercising. The intention behind exercising can be to enhance or maintain fitness and overall health of a person. It can be considered as an expenditure of energy by increasing the metabolism of the body and movement of the skeletal muscles.
• Aerobic exercises; it is any type of activity that involves cardiovascular conditioning or ‘cardio’. It causes an increase in heart rate and breathing rate over a period of time.it uses the large muscle groups. A normal aerobic exercise session should include a warm up, at least 20 minutes of exercising and then cooling down. Aerobic exercises provide the benefits of strengthening muscles in the lungs, heart and the large muscles of body, lowers blood pressure, improves blood circulation to lungs, heart and muscles.
It is also shown to reduce the risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease in the long term as well as increase overall life expectancy and improves sleep hygiene. Examples for aerobic exercises include; Jumping rope, cycling, jogging• Anaerobic exercises; unlike aerobic exercise this involves short, fast high intensity exercises that does not make your body use oxygen. This leads to break down of glucose already present in the muscles but also leads to lactic acid buildup due to the lack of oxygen. Calisthenics like jump squats, box jumps, sprinting, high- intensity interval training and strength training are examples of anaerobic exercises. Benefits of anerobic exercises include fat burning, muscle building and maintain of muscle mass as well as strengthening of bones.
Exercise stimulates several physiological changes in the body such as encouraging the production of growth factors – chemicals that affect the growth of new blood vessels in the brain as well as help in the increase in abundance, survival and overall health of new brain cells.
Many studies conducted over time have suggested there is a larger volume in the parts of the brain that control thinking and memory in people who exercise than in those who do not. Even a small period of time with regular exercise has shown to increase the blood supply and volume in the brain.
With the increase in blood flow to the brain delivery of nutrient to the brain will increase thereby increasing production of molecules important to brain function including memory. Exercise also improves memory by increasing molecular targets like the brain- derived neurotrophic factors (BNDF). This molecule increases formation of new synapses that mediate learning and memory, making it easier to absorb and retain information and also formation of long- term memories. It is said to improve brain capacity.
Although exercise is not a direct solution to stress, the action of exercising has been shown to pacify the experience of stress. It does not reduce the stress hormones released but does decrease the number of stress receptors in the hippocampus. Reducing stress receptors minimizes the effect of stress hormones on the brain, thereby decreasing the impact of stressful experiences.
As students we lead a very busy life. Fitting exercises into this busy schedule can make us face a road block to a successful regime. However, even if we are unable to have a strict time slot for exercise we can fit some physical activity into our daily schedule.
Replace car journeys. If the distance is not too long and you can start earlier try walking or cycling to class. If the distance is long, get off the taxi a half mile away and walk the final bit.
Consider walking up and down the stairs at the dormitory or in the hospital or any place.
Avoid binge – watching TV shows. While watching you can engage in light exercises like stomach crunches or jumping jacks.
Vigorous housework, gardening and going up and down the stairs while doing chores.
Go for an evening brisk 30 minute brisk walk to a nearby café.
Join some exercise class or a gym.
While exercising is important, a healthy diet is also needed. Also ensure that you drink plenty of water throughout the day and when you exercise. If you have existing health conditions it is recommended to go to your doctor first prior to engaging in any strenuous physical activity. While a combination of aerobic and anaerobic exercise provides the most benefit, any exercise is better than non for people who currently have a sedentary lifestyle.