WHY SHOULD YOU EVEN CARE ; Empathy in a modern and Competitive World

February 2, 2024


This blog is about the importance of empathy in the modern day


We live in a world that is modern and fast. While it is true that the once-principle of the "Global Village" has come to fruition, we should often look back to see what we sacrificed on behalf. As with most things in life, the real cost of things is often hidden behind a veil of lies. Empathy is such a commodity that we sadly left behind in this journey towards the future. This is evident more in the latter generations, where the Internet had a major impact on upbringing.

Defining Empathy

There is this fundamental understanding of empathy, which is having the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person.

While it isn't incorrect by any stretch of its definition, we can better understand the depth of the meaning through the lens of Psychology and the Study of Normal Human Behavior.

World-renowned psychologists Daniel Goleman and Paul Ekman have identified three components of empathy: Cognitive, Emotional, and Compassionate.


Cognitive Empathy refers to the ability to rationally understand a person's feelings and thoughts.

It's well explained by the short phrase 'I put myself in your shoes.' It requires a certain social awareness of a situation. As certain problems differ in sensitivity in various circumstances.

For example, a thousand dollars may not be a significant amount for some people but may be a life's fortune for others. It is often less emotional and more logical.

The dexterity of sensitivity to a person, to listen and give an appropriate response, is often tested with this aspect of empathy

Affective empathy reflects on the ability to experience the feelings of other people. 'I feel with you.' This is the form of empathy that is ruled by the artists, poets, and singers of the world.

Every boy who listens to an Ed Sheeran song would know the feeling of 'falling in love.' Likewise, almost every Taylor Swift song relates to the feeling of what it feels like to be 'wooed by a man.'

These artists and songs have such a following because they have the ability to tap into our inner sense of affective empathy. This analogy is, of course, hyperbole, but I would like to think it helps to distinguish the different components of empathy.

The last link in the chain is Compassionate Empathy, which translates into the need to react and provide help in any way you can. This is the most classical interpretation of empathy. It is often followed by a motive to help the person in need.


These days, however, empathy is often seen as a quality of the belittled, sidetracked by the modern hustle culture and the Darwinian nature of things. We do not perceive the fact that we sail through the same rough oceans together but rather look to sink others in order to weather the storm.

This erosion of empathy from our society can be attributed to a couple of factors. Digital communication in the modern day has replaced the physical aspect of face-to-face exposure.

This detachment can lead to a lack of emotional connection and understanding between individuals. Another factor is the ever-shrinking attention span of the human population


Like all things in life, it is a skill that can be improved through an active process. If we choose to actively listen to one another, we can better understand each other in terms of a conversational basis rather than listening to opposing opinions.

Seeking common ground is an excellent way to induce empathy along with inviting open dialogue between people.

All in all, empathy is a quality that must be shared by everyone and is not exclusive to the medical profession. It's a vital quality to help us navigate through emotions and daily routines.